5 Tips for Emotional Balance
5 Tips for Emotional Balance
30 October, 2021
The machine man
30 April, 2022
5 Tips for Emotional Balance
5 Tips for Emotional Balance
30 October, 2021
The machine man
30 April, 2022


the ancient magic of the verb

We live in a world made of words. Words are not mere forms of communication, they express whole ideas and give meaning to emotions. Words are almost everything in this world; in social, political and cultural life. The use of words, more than any other factor, determines the way we think and feel. To such an extent that the way stories or events are told has a decisive effect on the way we perceive reality and how we read it. Our individual opinion is shaped by words.

“Words can be like X-rays if they are used properly: they pass through everything”. Aldous Huxley

The use of words in ancient culturesThe use of words in ancient cultures

For ancient civilisations, the use of words was not only limited to the communication of ideas or feelings. They were also the expression of a force, which could be manifested in real and concrete facts.

The Egyptians, for example, believed that the word possessed an intense magical power, thanks to which the priests, who knew the nature of men and the gods well, could make requests and supplications to the gods. The Pharaoh himself, when he wanted something, would command it through his words; these commands were immediately obeyed by men, so that the word of the Pharaoh, god on earth, was creating reality, day after day.

“I am the Great Word” The Pharaoh, Pyramid Texts.

It is written in the sacred books; including in the Bereshit of the Hebrew Torah as well as in the Genesis of the Old Testament of the Christian bible, the word is intimately related to the almighty power of the creator:

“1_ In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 _ This was in the beginning with God.

3 _ All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:1-3

For the ancient native peoples of the Americas, words and above all song (the musical or sung word), possessed a magical and healing power, since their worldview gave them an intimate relationship with nature, through respect and care for their own environment. Thus life, in its many forms, also had its expression through words and song, as materialisation of a spiritual plane. For this reason, there are words in the native languages that interweave the material plane with the spiritual plane in a poetic way that cannot be translated literally into other languages.

“Apapachar is the most beautiful word that Nahuatl has given to the Spanish language, because it means to embrace or caress with the soul”.

The wisdom of Nordic culture deserves a special mention, as the echoes of its magical alphabet, and all the beauty of the origin of fairy tales and supernatural beings, the fruit of the oral transmission of its ancient history, reach us today. This alphabet, known as runes, was sacred. The Norse or Viking culture says that it was given by the God Odin, the great creator who can do anything. It was how he communicated with his people to send them his blessings, or to warn them of their enemies. It had a divine character, but fell into disuse when Christianity considered it pagan and persecuted those who used it.

 “This unique primitive Genesic language, the father of all human languages, is the RUNES, which the first men engraved on stones with holy hands”. Krumm Heller. Runic Course.

 Words arise from the union of sounds or phonemes, naming everything that exists, but there are words which, being inaudible to the human ear, we cannot pronounce.

Words and their effectWords and their effect

“The effect of spoken words must be measured with nobility. For many times one unconsciously hurts others with words.” Samael Aun Weor. Logos Mantram Theurgy.

Words are a mirror of thought. There is a direct relationship between order and clarity of thought on the one hand, and manifestations through language on the other.

In modern times we have ever more forms of social media communication, but interpersonal communication has suffered.

As human culture has become impoverished, so too has language; in-depth communication is harder, interactions tend to be superficial and skill in communicating ideas, feelings, etc.is being lost.

What we say, our word, has a constructive or destructive effect depending on what we say and how we say it..

Undoubtedly, the effect of words depends on the type of energy they are impregnated with and the intention behind them.

In esotericism, this quality of words is called: “Geometry of the word”.

“Words produce objective geometrical figures. Such figures are filled with cosmic matter, and crystallise materially.” Samael Aum Weor. Logos Mantram Theurgy.

The creative larynx

The larynx and the uterus are not only physically similar: both possessing a hollow, empty, moist channel; but these organs have similar reactions, they contract or expand through stimulus, and both are coordinated by the parasympathetic system.

“The throat is a womb, where the word is gestated” Samael Aum Weor. Igneous Rose.

Just as in the womb a life can be gestated, so in the larynx, words to improve our environment and ourselves, can be created .

We can consciously  harness the vibrant energy generated by our own organism  and bring about our own regeneration through the practices taught in our self-knowledge courses.

Every student of self-knowledge is challenged to become conscious of the magnitude and scope of the words that are pronounced in order to create.

If you are interested in learning to use the marvellous power of words in a conscious way, we invite you to enrol in the free and open access self-

knowledge courses that our institution offers, where you will receive the tools and practices to achieve this.

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