Music and our inner balance
25 March, 2021
Is a life without problems possible?
21 May, 2021The Power of Classical Music

Throughout human history, scientists, mystics, and people of all kinds have used music to create emotional states that help them tune in to what they need at a given time. There is a certain type of music that has existed for hundreds of years, which can generate very positive states and benefits in our health: this is CLASSICAL MUSIC.
Classical music for health
The effects of classical music on health have been studied by professionals for decades, and it is nowadays considered to be a therapy, as it improves the mental and emotional state of the listener. Several studies have also shown that this kind of music creates a meditative state with slow brain waves, making it easier to fall asleep.
Listening to classical music just twice a week reduces stress and anxiety levels and thus also lowers blood pressure. According to studies by the University of San Diego on classical, pop, jazz and other styles of music, people who like classical music had lower blood pressure levels.
During pregnancy, when a mother-to-be listens to classical music, the foetus is stimulated in a way that favours its development. Indeed, infants in the womb begin to respond to music from the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy onwards. The composers most recommended for this are Mozart, Bach and Vivaldi.
For children, listening to classical music improves abilities such as memory, attention and concentration. It stimulates the right side of the brain, enhancing their ability to perform other artistic activities such as drawing or painting. As such, it encourages all-round development by acting on several areas of activity. If a child is showing little interest or commitment to schoolwork, learning to play a musical instrument can help improve their performance and coordination.
Classical music has an effect on our mood and triggers a range of reactions that involve the whole brain. This makes it possible, in some cases, to reduce the pain caused by illness. For example, listening to classical or opera music after an operation or transplant can mean the difference between the success or failure of the procedure.. This is due to its ability to reduce anxiety, pain, nausea and even improve the body’s immune system responses.
The hormonal response to classical music
Studies by researchers at the University of Helsinki found that listening to classical music often leads to an increase in the secretion of dopamine. This boosts learning ability, motivation and memory. In this way, there are further beneficial effects on brain activity.
Classical music is also used in the treatment of neurological conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Tourette’s syndrome and various forms of autism.
The Mozart Effect
Various researchers have reported the benefits of listening to the music composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Among these are enhanced spatial-temporal reasoning and short-term memory and improvements in cases of depression. The forerunner of this theory explains why Mozart in particular has such an effect: it is because the rhythms and frequencies he uses create a sense of freedom and order and allow us to breathe, think and reflect with ease. They also increase our creative potential in a very natural way and offer a lasting sense of security. The miracle Mozart works is to align the human being with the harmony of the universe.
We invite you to discover not only the wonderful music of Mozart, but of all the great masters of this musical form, and see for yourself all the benefits that their harmonies can offer us. Give yourself the chance to raise your vibration and improve your overall health.
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