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Knowledge of oneself
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17 June, 2020

What is my psychological song?

Discover the song that could be devastating your life and learn how to protect yourself from its hypnotic effects: Learn what your psychological song is.

The ‘bad singer’

Have you heard the popular saying, “Music makes the world go round”? Perhaps this is true when we refer to a beautiful, tuned, harmonious song. The kind that can charm and inspire an audience. But the truth is that few people would be willing to put up with a bad singer.

However, there are many out-of-tune singers in the world. And there are even those who engage in the shameless behaviour of demanding the attention of their listeners far more than might be reasonable. Sometimes, we wonder how those singers don’t realize how sad and boring they are. The funny thing is that sometimes, although everyone around him is plainly horrified, the singer is too in love with his own voice to notice..

You might ask, “What does this bad singer thing have to do with me?”

The answer is that we all have a “psychological song”, which we each sing to a greater or lesser extent. But if we look closely at our words, our thoughts and emotions we can discover what our ‘broken record’ is.

Yet we always see it in others, but it is more difficult to see in ourselves. We all know someone who lives in the past for example. Their conversation, generally revolves around their main concern: their little book of psychological stories. In this book, a person takes note of all the debts that others owe him. There, the debts that their father, mother, brother, children, neighbor, boss, government, society and even life itself are recorded.

But what kind of debts are these?

The debts are the wrongs he believes were done to him, his frustrations, people’s ingratitude, the envying The recognition he never received, the injustices he thinks he suffered, his loneliness, etc. These are so many bad things that this singer had to endure, but could never forget. And this stayed with him for the rest of his life. But this little book of accounts that he keeps and consults all the time is the greatest inspiration behind his songs. Therefore, it is common that in every conversation he sings his psychological song:

“Poor me…”, “no one understands me…”, “they never gave me what I needed, I had to do it all myself…”, “they’ll regret what they did to me”, “one day they’ll admit I’m right, but it’ll be too late… “etc., etc., etc.

Psychological songs can be really complex. Some with introductions, verse, chorus, etc. Also, it can be an improvised solo. Then, a conversation, say, about the weather, can be stopped by their political outrage and later by the annoyance their neighbor causes them. This is only possible, of course, after much training, much rehearsal. Because, not content with singing for others, the bad singer even sings for himself, alone in the solitary concert hall of his mind.

But what kind of debts are these?

A song totally dedicated to oneself

And so we get to the heart of the matter: we all carry a broken record inside us that is always being played with the same songs. In other words: with the same worries, complaints, regrets, debts, etc. It is these things that, in one way or another, produce our thoughts and determine the direction of our thinking. And if the tremendous damage they cause to our well-being and our lives were not enough, the source and accuracy of these opinions are dubious.

All psychological songs are based on self-consideration. That is to say, on the excessive love for oneself that makes us selfish and incapable of understanding life as it is. Likewise, of seeing the point of view of others and feeling their pain. Because we see everything through the lens of ” What they did to me.”

Naturally, the fact that we cannot put ourselves in the place of others means that we have an unjust understanding of their behaviour, their speech or their actions. The result of this can only be to greatly increase the recording of debts in our personal account book. And that just further complicates our songs.

“First me, second me, third him…”

Look at your psychological song

To be specific in the study: Have you ever observed yourself thinking along these lines?

When I give someone advice and they don’t take it, I think they have no sense. Or that they don’t trust me.

If a family member doesn’t treat me the way I think I deserve, it’s because he’s being unfair, controlling, or ungrateful.

When a friend doesn’t agree with my opinion, I get annoyed. And I come to the conclusion that I was wrong about him, and he turned out to be a snake that I can no longer depend on.

If I don’t get to work at the company I want or the university I’ve chosen. Then I protest because the competition was unfair and because life did not give me all the opportunities I needed.

If my football team loses, I complain that the referee was bought off. And if my political candidate wasn’t elected, I say that the election was rigged.

If my kids behave badly I say that it’s because they are copying their playmates.

If I pet my dog and he turns his back on me and walks away, then I sigh with the conviction that nobody cares about me anymore.

The consequences of the psychological song

These are all thoughts that arise from excessive self-consideration. A person full of self-consideration can be incredibly complicated…

“If someone lives from instant to instant, from moment to moment, suffering because of what they owe him, because of what they did to him, because of the bitterness they caused him, always with the same song, nothing can grow inside him”. – Samael Aun Weor

A person who allows himself to be continually carried away by these psychological songs, who does not observe them, who does not understand them, becomes a slave to them. And ultimately all this negativity that he has inside and that is getting stronger all the time, attracts the same thing from the outside.

That is why it is interesting to look at ourselves, to know how we function internally, to observe our own psychological song. Even though we may not always express it verbally, it is there in our depths, and it becomes the driving force of our actions, of our life. Because what we think and what we feel, is what crystallizes in our world, around us.

It is possible to take charge of our existence and change its direction towards a life free of so many inner complications. Which in short complicate the world in which we move. But for that we must know, observe, investigate, plunge into ourselves, pay attention to our actions, thoughts and emotions.

That is why we invite you to learn the precise techniques for this, taught by all the great sages who have existed on Earth. However, for many, they only remain as beautiful words. That is why we invite you to make them your own, not because you possess them, but because you practice them. For that is how knowledge becomes true and not mere theory.

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